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GOP Strategist: Democratic Electoral blowout, Senate & House win (VIDEO)

GOP Strategist: Democratic Electoral blowout, Senate & House win (VIDEO)

Republicans will rue the day they made Donald Trump their nominee. It seems like he will bring the Republican party to one of their worst defeats.

Huge Democratic win expected

GOP strategist Steve Schmidt had a dire message about the election that will pain Republicans. He estimates a huge Democratic win, a blowout. He did not mince his words when Joe Scarborough asked him for the over under of the presidential race and electoral college.

“I think she is trending over 400,” Steve Schmidt said.

“Trending over 400?” Scarborough asked shockingly.

“Yes,” Schmidt responded.

“So Democrats take the Senate?” Scarborough asked.

“Yes,” Schmidt responded.

“Democrats take the House?” Scarborough continued.

“Close.” responded Schmidt.

“They could take it?” Scarborough asked for confirmation.

“If this election was today,” Schmidt said. “I think Republicans are down 25 seats as of today with the trending line going in the wrong direction. The poll numbers are not good on the internal numbers. The panic is beginning.”

Steve Schmidt is describing a wave election. It has not yet materialized thus far. However, the signs are there for such an event to occur. It is ironic that this election was always the Republicans to lose and it seems they will be doing just that.

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