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Hillary Clinton’s speech at Al Smith benefit dinner jabbed Trump just right (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton's speech at Al Smith benefit dinner jabbed Trump just right (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton used her speech at the Al Smith benefit dinner to do three things, roast Donald Trump, woo Catholics with a message of compassion and inclusion, and dispel any notions of a dis-affinity for the catholic faith.

Hillary Clinton mostly on point

Hillary Clinton masterfully roasted Donald Trump without going over the line even as she gave a message of compassion at the Al Smith benefit dinner. According to CNN,

The Democratic nominee, for her part, poked fun at herself while also taking searing jabs at her opponent. Clinton didn’t hesitate to slam Trump for his past comments on women and his ambivalence about accepting next month’s election results.

In contrast with Trump, Clinton also made a point of acknowledging both the purpose and the history of the Al Smith dinner and closed her speech with a big-picture campaign message that was tied to the positive focus of Thursday’s Catholic fundraiser.

Her multifaceted approach to her speech once again shows the multidimensional nature of Hillary Clinton. Even though some of her jokes did not land well, the contrast was evident.

Clinton did receive several load groans from the audience at several of her jokes. Her top zingers included jabs about Trump dismantling a prompter at a rally last week and her opponent’s propensity toward speaking favorably about Russia.

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