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Unhinged Newt Gingrich verbally attacked Fox News’ Megyn Kelly for inferring Trump a sexual predator (VIDEO)

Newt Gingrich unhinged

An unhinged Newt Gingrich lost it when Fox News’ Megyn Kelly justifiably inferred that Donald Trump is a sexual predator. He became verbally abusive.

Newt Gingrich unhinged while Megyn Kelly stays calm

In an explosive interview, Newt Gingrich became completely unhinged, verbally attacking Fox News’ Megyn Kelly for referring to Trump as a sexual predator. Throughout the interview, Newt Gingrich seemed to live in an alternate state of reality. He continued to discount polls that show Trump losing badly. He refused to acknowledge that all the tossup states are moving towards Clinton.

The interview was already contentious when a couple of words from Megyn Kelly turned it explosive.

“You want to know why Trump has had a rough time?” Newt Gingrich asked.

“If Trump is a sexual predator,” Megyn Kelly said. “That is …”

“He is not a sexual predator,” Newt Gingrich shouted.

“That’s your opinion,” Kelly said. “I am not taking a position on it.”

“You could not defend that statement,” an unhinged Gingrich shouted. “Now I am sick and tired of people like you, using language that’s inflammatory that’s not true.”

“Excuse me Mr. Speaker,” Kelly interjected. “You have no idea whether it is true or not. What we know is that at least …”

“Neither do you,” Gingrich shouted.

“That’s right,” Kelly replied. “And I am not taking a position on it unlike you. So what I said is incorrect?”

“Yes you are,” Gingrich replied. “When you use the words you took a position. And that is very unfair of you Megyn. I think that is exactly the bias people are  upset by.”

“I think that your defensiveness on this may speak volumes, sir,” Kelly replied. “What I said is if — no, no, no, — let me make my point and then I will give you the floor. What I said is if Trump is a sexual predator, then it is a big story. And what we saw on that tape was Trump himself saying that he likes to grab women by the genitals and kiss them against their will. That’s what we saw. Then we saw ten women come forward after he denied actually doing it at the debate to say that was untrue. ‘He did it to me. He did it to me.’ We saw reporters. We saw people who had worked with him; people from Apprentice and so on and so forth. He denies it all which is his right. We don’t know what the truth is. My point to you is, as a media story we don’t get to say the ten women are lying. We have to cover that story, sir.”

Gingrich then went into full spin mode. He attempted to characterize the media as biased for covering more about the growing Trump sexual predator scandal than Clinton speeches to banks, a false equivalency. He then unleashed his anger and abuse again.

“You want to go back to the tapes of your show recently?” Gingrich shouted. “You are fascinated with sex. And you don’t care about public policy. That’s what I get out of watching you tonight.”

“You know Mr. Speaker,” Megyn Kelly said. “I am not fascinated by sex. But I am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we are getting in the Oval Office. And I think the American voters would like to know.”

Gingrich continued to bring up Bill Clinton as if he were running for President. Megyn Kelly would have none of it. She summarily reminded him that she covered all the topics he brought up. His belligerence continued, and she ended the interview.

Megyn Kelly was very professional. While Newt Gingrich was rude and bordered on sexist in the manner he attacked Kelly; she remained cool. The Trump campaign is imploding.

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