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President Trump, a true reflection of 48% of America. I am shocked. (VIDEO)

Donald Trump

Donald Trump did it. He beat 16 capable Republicans, and he beat the most qualified woman. And he did it by scaring white people and misleading a few others.

Donald Trump’s win has nothing to do with Brexit or FARC

Donald Trump’s victory was neither Brexit nor FARC. Yes, he used the same tactics that the anti-immigrant racists employed in Great Britain. Yes, the polls failed. But make no mistake. Trump MO was to stoke the fears of white people, and it worked.

A good friend on Facebook sent me the following.

My late night analysis, although I am sober, isn’t going to go well with some.

Basically, Hillary Clinton was the wrong candidate. Not because of her capabilities because she is more than capable of being President. She had two strikes against her although they are somewhat related. First, she just triggers a visceral hatred from the right which was in part caused by the second strike. Second, she has so much baggage that could be dragged out and dumped on her. Yes, much of it is bogus but it makes for great sound bites that can be used against her. The Comey letter clearly didn’t help but a big reason is they fed into the baggage story which fed the haters.Pragmatically, I don’t think Bernie Sanders would have done well, either. He would have been portrayed as a wild idealist and a socialist to scare up the votes against him. I don’t think the numbers would have been much different for him. Maybe a little better with millennials and third party voters coming out for him, but still not enough.

Pragmatically, I don’t think Bernie Sanders would have done well, either. He would have been portrayed as a wild idealist and a socialist to scare up the votes against him. I don’t think the numbers would have been much different for him. Maybe a little better with millennials and third party voters coming out for him, but still not enough.
I really wish Hillary had not been anointed years ago as this years, candidate. Maybe there was someone else who could have been positioned between her and Bernie but I don’t know who.

While I agree with my good friend, I somewhat disagree. Yes, Hillary has a lot of baggage. But Trump has more. Here is the reality, had Hillary Clinton been a man and Trump being a woman, it is clear it would have been a landslide of Hillary.

Make no mistake, the election of Donald Trump is in fact, a reflection of about 60%+ of white America in the aggregate. And to many it is scary. Sexism, racism, misogyny, nativism, and xenophobia is alive and well in a vast part of America.

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