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Joe Scarborough on Rudy Giuliani or John Bolton as Secretary of State: Watch everything meltdown internationally (VIDEO)

Joe Scarborough on Rudy Giuliani or Tom Bolton as Secretary of State: Watch everything meltdown internationally (VIDEO)

America is running the risk of destroying all of the repairs to our image and stature under President Obama if guys like John Bolton or Rudy Giuliani are really in consideration for secretary of state.

Both Rudy Giuliani & Tom Bolton are unqualified

On and off Donald Trump admirer Joe Scarborough has a message for the President-elect on his choice for Secretary of Sate and it’s not Rudy Giuliani.

“When you talk about Secretary of State when you talk about Secretary of Defense,” Scarborough said. “When you talk about CIA Director, and when you talk about the person that is going to be your NSA Director, you don’t get rookies for that. You don’t get ideologues for that. Donald Trump needs very boring, very middle of the road, very Washington type people, steady not boring, steady. Mike Pence is the perfect example of somebody — calm the waters. They seem with these leaks — I never believe all the leaks — they seem to be going in a different direction. Experiment at home. But abroad, you can;t lurch to a John Bolton or a Giuliani. You think that the Steve Bannon appointment got negative press? You think that’s bad? Pick Rudy Giuliani as your Secretary of State or John Bolton as your Secretary of State and watch everything meltdown internationally.”

I don’t agree that Mike Pence is a good guy given that he is just your basic Conservative with a lot of bad “anti-much’ ideas. Donald Trump would do well to read the New York Times editorial “Why Rudy Giuliani Shouldn’t Be Secretary of State” before he makes a selection.

World leaders watching America make a shift under Donald Trump fall into two broad camps: those who hope that the United States will muddle through the next four years, an inexperienced president notwithstanding, and those who are eager to see Washington’s international standing and influence unravel.

The latter outcome could be averted if Mr. Trump selects an experienced and conscientious leader as his top diplomat. That would require appointing someone other than Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor, who is reported to be the front-runner for the job.

America voted for an incompetent President. One hopes he will put some competency in his cabinet.

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