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Trump Demands Apology from “Hamilton” Cast. And the people say … (VIDEO)

hamilton donald trump mike pence Nia Wesley

Nia Wesley, interviewed several attendees of “Hamilton, an American Musical” in New York about the propriety of the statement read to Vice President-Elect Mike Pence with an admonition to be a government for all Americans.

Nia Wesley Reports

President-Elect Donald Trump went into a hissy fit on Twitter because a cast member of Hamilton admonished VP-Elect Mike Pence demanding a government for all Americans.

Now the President-Elect is demanding an apology in the same sentence where he makes a categorically false statement about the quality of the musical. He is a businessman, albeit a crooked one, and should know that any show sold out for months is unlikely to be overrated as an overrated show’s attendance declines exponentially. The signs of resistance to dissent and authoritarianism are quite evident.

Nia Wesley interviewed six presumably random people with different viewpoints. Most thought the statement was appropriate. Two dissented. The dissenters fit the profile unfortunately of the Trump voter. I know this was not scientific, but even a presumably random interview bore out what the polls infer.

Trump should have inhaled before he went on his Twitter tirade. It turns out Pence’s response was much more measured and presidential.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence said he was not offended when he was booed by members of the audience while attending the musical “Hamilton” on Friday.

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” Pence said it was a”great, great show,” and a “real joy to be there.”

“When we arrived we heard a few boos, we heard some cheers. I nudged my kids and said, ‘That’s what freedom sounds like,'” Pence said.

Hope he doesn’t get a scolding for disagreeing with the boss.

Point of personal privilege:  Nia Wesley, a Nightline intern, and my daughter grew up together. I enjoy watching all of our young kids in our area who participated in many activities from working at the Houston Food Bank to visiting convalescent homes, delivering Christmas gifts to the underprivileged and much more, grow into responsible, productive professionals. Some are still in school furthering their careers. But they are all on the right track, dispelling stereotypes, and making America a better place for all. Take that Donald Trump. Please subscribe to Nia Wesley’s YouTube channel here.

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