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Morning Joe: Trump at precipice if pick ‘henchmen who’ve taken money from terror groups’ (VIDEO)

Morning Joe: Trump at precipice if pick 'henchmen who've taken money from terror groups' (VIDEO)

Joe Scarborough had some choice words for Donald Trump on Morning Joe for potentially picking Rudy Giuliani or other ‘henchmen who’ve taken money from terror groups’ to serve in his cabinet. The segment was surprisingly critical given Scarborough’s past relationship with Trump.

Joe Scarborough talks about Trump’s administration being at the precipice

Joe Scarborough will likely get a tweet from Donald Trump for saying his administration may be at a precipice for his cabinet picks. It was not a double take; Joe was on the attack. Maybe he is trying to atone for the type of unwarranted positive coverage he gave Trump pre-election which was one cog in normalizing him and getting the Donald Elected.

Mika Brzezinski said that if Trump picked Rudy Giuliani for a cabinet position, he would face a very serious conflict of interests questions. She pointed out that Giuliani collected over $16 million for speeches and consultancies including from foreign governments not necessarily friendly to the United States.

Joe Scarborough facetiously said that Giuliano did not get any of these payments from terror groups. Mika and the panel summarily corrected him.

“What would you put on his name tag,” Scarborough joked. “Secretary of State Terror Taking Money Grabber Rudy Giuliani? I don’t think you could fit that.”

Scarborough pointed out that Chris Kobach is also a political nightmare for Republicans. Chris Kobach is a hardline anti-immigrant politician who helped write the draconian Arizona SB 1070 law.

Scarborough had a warning for Trump.

“Right now this administration to be is at the precipice,” Joe Scarborough said. “It can pick people like General Mattis and Mitt Romney and move this in one direction. Or they can pick henchmen who’ve taken money from terror groups in the past. … and if they go that direction. If they go the Giuliani Kobach way, it is going to be a meltdown. And all we are going to be hearing about is Steve Bannon, Flynn and his tweets about Jews, Session for …”

Mika interrupted to make a major point.

“None of these are close to being great minds in terms of world affairs,” Mika Brzezinski said. “Not even close.”


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