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Trump Effect: White woman goes on a vile racist verbal attack on Latina (VIDEO)

Trump Effect - White woman goes on a vile racist verbal attack on Latina (VIDEO)

Donald Trump has awoken an evil seed that resides in many. How would you feel if this attack was against you for any reason? How would you feel if it were someone you knew? This woman should be ashamed and those that said nothing should get a spine.

White woman verbal racist attack against a Latina

An attentive customer at Jefferson Mall in Louisville Kentucky caught a white woman on a racist tirade that’s been more prevalent in the age of Trump.

Facebook user Renee Buckner posted the following message.

I had to get back on FB, to expose this racism in America/Louisville. If we ignore it, it will never go away….smh this is what America has come to, openly and proud to be a racist.

Storyline: This Hispanic lady was purchasing items and the transaction was almost complete, then her friend brings up some shirts to be added to her purchase instead of getting in line. And this lady went off!!! Warning explicit language FYI…this wasn’t the entire scene, people tried to let her know it was out of order, but she wasn’t hearing that. #exposingTheRacism #louisvilleKy #prayForAmerica — at Jefferson Mall.

The video starts with a white woman verbalizing her anger at a Latina woman who brought up some extra items for another Latina friend at the register.

“It starts back there (the line),” she tells the Latina woman. “And it don’t bother me if I say it and don’t care if everybody hears me. I think everybody here probably feels the same damn way I do.”

Another customer in the line replied ‘hey, hey.’

“Thank you,” the irate woman responded. “Go back to work where the f%ck you come from, lady.”

A customer service rep asked the woman to watch her language.

“Hey, tell them to go back where they belong,” she responded. “They come here to live, then act like everybody else. Get in the back of the line like everybody else does. And be somebody.”

Then the real genesis of her anger came out. It wasn’t about the woman taking stuff to her friend at the register. That was just the catalyst for her to verbalize her racist animus.

“That’s the way I look at it,” she said angrily. “You are a nobody. Just because you come from another country it don’t make you Noah. You are nobody as far as I am concerned. You are probably on welfare. The taxpayers probably paid for all that stuff. It’s true. We probably pay for every bit of that stuff. You know that. Probably all the food they get and everything else. I am sorry but that is the way I feel.”

The Latina woman then said something softly to the angry woman.

“That’s OK,” the angry woman responded. “Speak English. You are in America. If you don’t know it, learn it.”

According to the Courier-Journal,

Jefferson Mall posted a response on Facebook, saying that they intend to ban the woman from the mall, once she’s been identified:

“We are aware of the video posted online today from inside JCPenney. Jefferson Mall strives to create a comfortable and convenient experience for all of our guests and we absolutely do not condone this type of behavior. We will work with JCPenney to identify this woman and, once identified, she will be permanently banned from Jefferson Mall, per our Behavioral Code of Conduct.”

This is the state we are now in with the advent of Trump’s America. I started documenting some of these outbursts here.

(h/t RawStory)

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