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No American President given billions to Israel should tolerate this from Netanyahu (VIDEO)

No American President given billions to Israel should tolerate this from Netanyahu

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to act like an ungrateful bully. It is time for Israel to drop him or America should stop providing the billions in welfare to them until they reciprocate our due respect.

We should punish Benjamin Netanyahu’s disrespectful behavior where it counts, American dollars

America gives Israel over $3 Billion in assistance every year. They recently signed a 10 year $38 billion military aid package. No American President should tolerate unjust accusations and disrespect given our sacrifice. There are many programs in the U.S. that go unfulfilled that would benefit from a fraction of assistance given to Israel.

Yesterday Secretary of State John Kerry gave a speech an American Secretary of State should have given years ago whether Republican or Democrat. Kerry took the veil off of the charade Benjamin Netanyahu has been playing for years, claiming he supports a Palestinian state alongside an Israeli state yet building settlement that make a contiguous Palestinian state impossible. It does not give any confidence especially given that Right Wingers who believe in only one state constitute the majority of his government.

Kerry was right when he said that Israel could either be democratic state alongside a Palestinian state, or it could be a Jewish state. Kerry could have been even more honest. Absent a Palestinian state, Israel is by definition an apartheid state. Palestinians will outnumber Jews by 2017 in Israel and occupied territories.

How do you get a continuously connected country based on all the settlements that are sanctioned by Israel in occupied territory?

Netanyahu’s response was rude, confrontational, and disrespectful.

“Israeli’s do not need to be lectured about the importance of peace by foreign leaders,” he rudely said.

He then accused the Americans of plotting against Israel with the U.N. resolution. In effect, he is admitting to spying on America, his supposed ally.

Kerry did the right thing. Netanyahu is flirting with chaos and it is our American soldiers and money that will be held accountable to clean up his mess. No one is excusing terrorism on either side. But when the number of dead is one sided as it is in that region, one wonders. Americans need to engage here as well.

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