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It’s time to make friends with Trump voters for very specific reasons (VIDEO)

It's time to make friends with Trump voters for very specific reasons (VIDEO)

There are many reasons why we should engage with Trump voters now. If one believes we must move forward, we cannot expect to remain isolated in our pain or simply attack Trump supporters for what we know was a bad choice.

Let us engage the Trump voters

Many of us will never be over this election but we must if we are to move forward. And that begins with making friends with Trump voters. While this may be anathema to one’s thinking or desires, it is a must.

The dynamics that put the Blue Wall into play are likely to get worse. After all, people are not moving to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, and Wisconsin, as they are in other solidly blue states. What this means is that Progressives can win a few other states by vast numbers and still lose the election in the electoral college. It is not unforeseen that a Democrat could win by over 10 million votes and still lose the election in the electoral college.

Many Trump voters now realize that some of Trump’s policies were not only rhetoric but policy proposals that are Paul Ryan’s policy realities, and they are scared. These are the ones we must approach initially. We must do so without delay. I wrote the following piece a couple of weeks ago that is worth a read.

This is what this Progressive intends to do in the age of Trump

The expectations are that we begin to work pragmatically. Condescencion toward the Trump voter may seem justified to many. But it is unproductive. So let’s bite our tongues. Engage approachable Trump supporters. Listen. Earn their trust by being respectful even if it means temporarily disregarding their Trumpisms. Remember it is the ultimate results that concern us.

Look, I am not being naive here. I have done it. It is slow, hard, but when it works it’s rewarding and you usually have created someone who will help the cause with other Trump supporters.

My Politics Done Right on Coffee Party USA Radio show today titled “This is why Republicans must kill Obamacare and do so early” covered some of this. Check it out and please consider Liking the shows Facebook Page to be informed of when of the show going live.

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