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Meryl Streep calls out Trump as she admonished media to do their job (VIDEO)

Meryl Streep calls out Trump as she admonished media to do their job (VIDEO)

Meryl Streep called out Donald Trump at Sunday’s Golden Globe Awards where she did not even have to mention his name to get her message across.

Meryl Streep let Donald Trump have it

Meryl Streep did not only scorch Donald Trump, but she admonished the press to do the job they are constitutional empowered to do.

“It was one performance that this year stunned me,” Meryl Streep said. “It sank its hooks in my heart, not because it was good — there was nothing good about it. — but it was effective. And it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh and show their teeth. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power, and the capacity to fight back. It kind of broke my heart when I saw it. And I still can’t get it out of my head because it wasn’t in a movie. It was real life. And this instinct to humiliate when it is modeled by someone in the public platform by someone powerful filters down into everybody’s life because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same thing. Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence insights violence. When the powerful use that position to bully others we all lose.”

After calling out Trump without even using his name, Meryl Streep turned to the responsibility of the news media.

“This brings me to the press,” Streep said. “We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call them on the carpet for the outrage. That’s why our founders enshrined the press and its freedoms in our constitution. So I only ask the famously well-heeled Hollywood foreign press and all of us in our community to join me in supporting the committee to protect journalists because we are going to need them going forward. And they will need us to safeguard the truth.”

Meryl Streep is theoretically correct. It is unlikely that the press, the mainstream media will do its job. After all, one cannot ask the fox to watch the henhouse. A corporate controlled media will never make an effective press. It will require the alternate media. One hopes that these celebrities will support those in the alternative media that owes their allegiance to no corporation or politician.

(h/t RawStory)

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