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Sen. Al Franken tears into Texas Sen. John Cornyn over Ted Cruz lies in Jeff Sessions hearing (VIDEO)

Sen Al Franken tears into Texas Sen Cornyn over Ted Cruz lies

Al Franken does not let anyone, Republicans or otherwise push him around. He stands his ground.

Al Franken spars with John Cornyn

Senator Al Franken laid into false moralizing Texas Senator John Cornyn as he corrected the record from a lying Ted Cruz before the Jeff Session vote.

When Senator Franken began illustrating the lies Senator Ted Cruz told on a previous day of Jeff Session’s hearing, John Cornyn interrupted. Watch the full video where Al Franken made the entire case against Sessions and Cruz here.

“That’s what happened,” Al Franken said. “Those are the facts. But when describing this history, Senator Cruz misrepresented what happened. So I would like to take the opportunity to set the record straight.”

“I object to the Senator disparaging a fellow member of the committee here in his absence,” John Cornyn interjected. “I would think he ..”

Franken immediately lashed back.

“Well, he should be here first of all,” Franken slammed back pointing at Cornyn. “And secondly, he disparaged me, Senator.”

Chairman Chuck Grassley attempted to reestablish order.

“Let him make his case and then we will get back to you,” Grassley said to Franken.

“We are here to talk about the President’s nominee,” Cornyn said. “Not a colleague. And I object to disparaging a colleague on this committee and particularly in the colleague’s absence. It’s just not, it’s untoward, and it’s inappropriate. And I object.”

While Cornyn was talking, Franken told Grassley not to take Cornyn’s rambling from his time. Franken asked Grassley if he could respond. Grassley said he could but would prefer if he continued his prepared speech.

“This is what happened,” Franken continued with his speech. “Those are the facts. But when describing this history, Senator Cruz misrepresented what happened. So I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight.”

“Mr. Chairman, I object again,” Cornyn interrupted again. “The Senator apparently can’t get the message from the Chairman that this is over the top and inappropriate.”

“I think the Senator from Texas doesn’t get the message from the Chairman,” Frank responded.

“You put the Chairman in an awful bad position at this point,” Grassley said. “because I am not sure I disagree with anything Senator Cornyn said but I am not sure I want to rule anybody out of order. But could you please leave personalities out of it?”

“Can I explain what I am doing here?” Franken asked Grassley. “Because Senator Cruz did the very thing, Senator Cornyn is accusing me of doing. In my absence, he misrepresented me. He misrepresented Mr. Hebert. He personally went after me. He personally impugned my integrity. You did not object then, did you?”

Cornyn claimed he was not sure if he was there.

“I wasn’t here either,” Franken lashed back. “Let me continue sir.”

Cornyn continued that his silly retort that Cruz should be there for Franken to make the statements.

“Well get him here,” a now angry Franken responded. “But he will have a tape of it.”

Great job Mr. Franken.

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