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Trump gives McConnell green light to to use nuclear option to confirm Supreme Court nominee

Trump's gives Mitch McConnell green light to go nuclear over Supreme Court nominee

The Senate will likely change forever because Trump just gave Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell the green light to use the nuclear option. He said it with a resolve and without equivocating.

Donald Trump green light nuclear option

Donald Trump by supporting the nuclear option to get his nominee confirmed will forever change the country. It will be a temporary victory.

“As you pointed out last night,” a reporter asked Donald Trump. “Gorsuch was confirmed by unanimous voice vote for 2006. Now a number of Democrats say they are going to oppose him. What would you say to those Democrats and would you encourage Senator McConnell to invoke the nuclear option if he feels he can’t get sixty votes.”

“Well I think there is a certain dishonesty if they go against their vote from not very long ago,” Trump said. “And he did get a unanimous endorsement. And he is somebody that should get it. I mean, you can’t do it better from and educational, from an experience, from any standpoint. A great judge, he’d be a great justice. So no, I feel that it’s very dishonest if they go about doing that. And yes, if we end up with the same gridlock that they’ve had in Washington for the last, longer than eight years in all fairness to President Obama; a lot longer than eight years. But if we end up with that gridlock, I would say if you can, Mitch, go nuclear. Because that would be an absolute shame if a man of this quality was caught up in the web. So I would say, it is up to Mitch. But I would say, go for it.”

The hypocrisy of Republicans is astounding. Democrats must not confirm Neil Gorsuch. It is the theft of President Obama’s Supreme Court and Democrat’s appointment. Republicans must be solely responsible for that theft. Let the Republicans go nuclear. In a country that continues to move in the progressive direction, when the dust settles, they will regret it.

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