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Our Revolution Texas Gulf Coast Region Kickoff a big success (VIDEO)

Our Revolution continues its march to democratize our faux democracy. And Texas is the first state selected to organize within regions in the state. The Gulf Coast Region Kickoff was a resounding success.

If we are to succeed in taking our country back from the Plutocracy, it will require grassroots organizations. Several movements have formed to do just that. There is the Our Revolution Movement, the Indivisible Movement, the Brand New Congress movement, and many others. There are various synergies between these groups.

Clarissa Rodriguez, the youngest Bernie Sanders National Delegate, introduced Texas and Nationally renowned Jim Hightower to open the kickoff with a resounding speech.

Jim Hightower speaking at Our Revolution Texas Gulf Coast Region Kickoff

Claude Cummings speaking at Our Revolution Texas Gulf Coast Region Kickoff

After a short Q&A session, attendees formed groups that represented their respective Senate District. Potential leaders for each district made themselves available to serve. It about four weeks each district will vote for their leaders. These leaders will ensure that all the activists in the Senate Districts are coordinated. They will work to educate the body politic as well as encourage candidates to run. Where applicable, they may endorse candidates.

Organizing Our Revolution Texas Gulf Coast Region Kickoff was a well-planned event. The region’s conveners were brought together and facilitated initially National Nurses United’s Texas Lead Organizer, Paula Littles.

Local Democratic organizer Lissa Squiers assumed the role of organizing the meetings where conveners laid out the format for the kickoff. She placed the group on Slack an online organizing tool and populated it with maps and civic engagement toolkits.

Director of Texas Fair Trade Coalition, Bob Cash joined the following three meetings to further assist in organizing the event.

Kay West, President of Houston Area Progressives was elected to facilitate the Kickoff.

Over 200 people showed up to the kickoff.


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