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CBS’ Scott Pelley: President’s troubles today were not with the media, but with the facts (VIDEO)

CBS’ Scott Pelley - President's troubles today were not with the media, but with the facts (VIDEO)

The mainstream media have recently begun their intense scrutiny of Donald Trump, something they should have done long ago. Scott Pelley in this video clip exposes Trump lies with more facts.

Scott Pelley hit Trump hard with the facts

Scott Pelley continues his fact checking on likely the most pathologically lying president to occupy the White House. His problems are facts, not the press.

“The President’s real trouble again today were not with the media but with the facts,” Scott Pelley said. “He complained about a Washington Post story that relied on nine anonymous sources. ‘There were no nine people,’ he said. ‘They make up sources.” But the article was true and forced the firing of his national security advisor. Also today, Mr. Trump said, ‘Obamacare covers very few people.’  The number is twenty-two million. And the president said, and out borders are wide open, anybody can come in.” But last year more than four-hundred-and -fifteen-thousand were apprehended at the border.”

And of course, Donald Trump gave another one of his self-aggrandizing lies during his CPAC speech. He claimed there were very long overflow lines. The reality is, there were no overflow lines at all attempting to see the President.

It is clear this president has psychological problems. Mentally healthy people do not create false realities out of thin air. Shame on the President.

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