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Trumpcare screws the Trump voter more than any others (VIDEO)

Trumpcare screws the Trump voter more than any others (VIDEO)

It is very likely that Trumpcare will alienate the Trump voter before his administration even gets rolling. The Trump/Ryan health care plan will hurt them severely.

Trumpcare screws Trump voters

Republicans are racing to pass Trumpcare even as support is under water. They must do it before Trump voters realize he used them to accomplish other goals. Bernie Sanders appeared on All-In with Chris Hayes. They pointed out what can only be considered Trump deceit on a significant percentage of those who voted for him.

“If you were to pick a demographic group that takes it more squarely on the chin it would be the following,” Chris Hayes said. “Rural, sixty-year-old Americans making twenty to forty thousand dollars a year. And you know who rural sixty-year-old Americans making twenty to forty thousand dollars a year voted for in the election? Donald J. Trump overwhelmingly.”

Hayes then went on to describe the following chart.

Trumpcare screws the Trump voter more than any others

The chart shows that the Trump voter does better under Obamacare than under Trumpcare. In other words, Obama did more for the Trump voter than Trump is willing to do.

“Senator, I can’t help but obsess over the fact that the demographic group that seems to take it on the chin the hardest are rural, older voters in their sixties, fifty-five, sixty, making twenty-thousand dollars a year,” Chris Hayes said. “Precisely the kind of folks that went so heavily for Donald Trump.”

“That’s right Chris,” Senator Sanders said. “What the AARP has estimated, that if you are sixty-four years of age, and have an income of $25,000 a year, you are likely to pay up to $7,000 a year more under this Trump plan, the Republican plan than you presently pay. And those are in fact many people in Rural America who are struggling right now economically. I kind of think that when you look at what the Republicans are doing, look at it not as a health care plan, because it really is not. Look at it as a tax plan with two hundred and seventy-five billion dollars in tax breaks for the top two percent, people earning $250,000 a year or more. It is a massive transfer of wealth from working families, low-income people, middle-class, to the top two-tenths of one percent. Higher deductibles higher premiums for those people in need; massive tax breaks for those who are the wealthiest in America.”

Julie Rovner published an article titled “Five Ways The GOP Health Bill Would Reverse Course From The ACA” this morning that explains the differences between Obamacare and Trumpcare. It is well worth reading. In fact, I suggest sharing it with every Trump voter you know as it is written in a very non-partisan manner.

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