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Indivisible Houston’s No Ban, No Wall, Healthcare Rally a success (VIDEO)

Healthcare - CPPP Melissa McChesney slams the Trump administration health & immigration policies

Grassroots brothers and sisters from Harris County and areas across the vast state of Texas held a rally on at 1:00 PM on April 8th in Moody Park in Houston, Texas. The rally focused on defending American healthcare for all citizens and protecting immigrant communities from a morally corrupt and new administration in the United States.

The rally featured speakers and organizations in a united coalition against the discriminatory immigration policies and draconian healthcare proposals currently sitting in the queue in the United States Congress and the White House. Speakers included both elected officials from around the state and individual citizens with stories to share about their experiences with immigration and health care issues.

Melissa McChesney, the Outreach Coordinator for the Center for Public Policy Priorities, provided a poignant message to the attendees. Sadly, many immigrants who qualify for the Affordable Care Act or either not signing up or rescinding their enrollment out of fear that they may put undocumented family members in jeopardy.

Melissa McChesney points out the damage Trump and the GOP are inflicting on Americans’ healthcare

After her speech, I pulled her aside for an interview to clarify her statements. Her word to immigrants is that they should get the insurance they are entitled to for their health and well-being. Most importantly she urges everyone to stay informed.

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