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George Will’s statement is why Trumpcare passage could destroy GOP & help Single-Payer (VIDEO)

George Will resolved to Single-Payer Medicare for All

Conservative commentator George Will sometimes surprises when he makes statements unclouded by his very Conservative ideology and steeped in reality. His statement is the reasons why the GOP would be in trouble if they pass Trumpcare and Democrats run an unabashedly Progressive campaign on healthcare and middle-class values. In fact, he seemed resolved to single-payer Medicare for all.

George Will get’s potential passage of Trumpcare right

George Will hits the nail on the head as he points out the reality of where the Trumpcare debate stands and a few other realities.

The process argument …, is an excuse,” George Will said. “I don’t think the problem is that this violates the president’s campaign promise not to cut Medicaid. You can argue as Senator Johnson did that it’s just a slowing of the expansion. The problem isn’t that this violates the Menuchin rule no one seems to remember.  It is that the  Treasury Secretary said there would be no large tax cut for the wealthy. This is a large tax cut for the wealthy. The problem isn’t whether you steal that Medicare expansion in seven years or three years. Those are splittable differences. There are two problems here. One is that we don’t take things back from people once we’ve given it.  Once we did it.  Aid to Families with Dependent Children was repealed … But that took away something from poor people who were not organized or not lawyered. This takes something away from people who got it they value because they’ve got it now. Second, after eight years of debating this, we are up against the fact that the expansion of Medicaid is exactly what this is about. Fifty-five million people are on Medicare. Sixty-eight million are on Medicaid, and we are still arguing about whether we should have government control of healthcare? It’s there.”

That last statement by George Will is the reason why it is now the time that Progressives push single-payer Medicare for all now given the draconian nature of Trumpcare and the current problems with Obamacare (sabotaged and organic).


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