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Granny off the Cliff is back this time to slam Trumpcare (VIDEO)

Granny off the Cliff is back this time to slam Trumpcare (VIDEO)

She’s back. Remember the ad about throwing granny off the cliff? Well, a new version is back to combat Trumpcare. The only difference is that this one is true. Check it out.

Save Granny from Trumpcare

Granny is back to challenge Trumpcare. She reminds Donald Trump of what he promised during the Republican campaign about cutting entitlements. The ad words and video are powerful and will touch not only seniors but everyone for whom health care is important, most Americans.

“During the election Donald Trump promised to protect senior citizens like me from Paul Ryan,” Granny said. The video then played Trump at a campaign rally.

“Remember the wheelchair being pushed over the cliff ,” Trump said. “When you had Ryan chosen as your vice-president that was the end of that campaign by the way. When they chose Ryan I said you’ve got to be kidding because he represented cutting entitlements, etc. etc. The only one who is not going to cut it is me.”

“But now President Trump is doing everything that young man says,” Granny said. “They are cutting almost a trillion dollars from Medicaid. People with Alzheimer and strokes, heart conditions, we need Medicaid. No middle-class family can afford a nursing home by themselves. If President Trump keeps listening to Paul Ryan, we all’l be on the street or something even worse.”

Then a man throws granny off of a cliff. Is America great without Medicaid?

According to Agenda Project Action Fund, the Senate version of Republican approach would devastate the healthcare of seniors in numerous and specific ways:


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