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GOP rams through Trumpcare procedural vote but McCain said he will vote no later

Trumpcare Senator

Trumpcare continues to survive, and unless the grassroots morphs into a national mass movement, it is clear that the GOP bill will ultimately become a reality.

The New York Times reported the following.

WASHINGTON — The Senate narrowly voted on Tuesday to begin debate on a bill to repeal major provisions of the Affordable Care Act, taking a pivotal step forward after the dramatic return of Senator John McCain, who cast a crucial vote despite his diagnosis of brain cancer. Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote.

The 51-50 vote came only a week after the Republican effort to dismantle a pillar of former President Barack Obama’s legacy appeared all but doomed. It marked an initial win for President Trump, who pushed, cajoled and threatened senators over the last days to at least begin debating the repeal of the health care law.

But even with that successful step, it is unclear whether Republicans will have the votes they need to uproot the law that has provided health insurance to millions of Americans. The Senate will now begin debating, amending and ultimately voting in the coming days on legislation that would have a profound impact on the American health care system.

After the vote, Senator John McCain gave a stirring speech. John McCain said he would not vote for the final bill as it stands today. Moreover, McCain said he wants the bill to be bipartisan. McCain reminded the Senators that they are co-equal to the president, not subordinates. He wants the Senate to return to regular order. McCain admonished the Republicans for coming up with a bill in secret and then attempting to ram it through.


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