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WOW! GOP Senator makes case that Trump campaign colluded with Russia

WOW_ GOP Senator makes case that Trump campaign colluded with Russia

This GOP Senator very calmly made the case that the Donald Trump campaign colluded with Russia in a systematic manner no Republican has expressed thus far.

Senator Lindsey Graham makes a case for Trump’s Team collusion with Russia

Lindsey Graham did not pull any punches as he, in a very methodical and prosecutorial manner, made a case for the Trump’s campaign colluding with Russia.

In the interview he did with CNN’s Manu Raju, Lindsey Graham stated the unquestionable facts.

“So what should we learn from all of this,” Graham said. “The Russians were involved on both sides. They definitely tried to tip the scales against Clinton and for Trump. But the Fusion GPS organization that was trying to get the goods on Donald Trump was backed by the Russians. To me, this just shows how deep the Russians are into our democracy. And if you are a Republican or a Democrat, if you don’t get what I was trying to, the point I was trying to make, that’s a dangerous mistake cause they are trying to screw up our election and our democracy on both sides of the aisle.”

Later in that same interview, Senator Graham made a significant threat to Donald Trump.

“If Jeff Session is fired,” Graham said. “There will be holy hell to pay. Any effort to go after Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency.”

It seems like the Republican Party may be starting to box Trump in, rather late, but better late than never.

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