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This is how one starts a conversation with a Trump voter to start effecting change (VIDEO)

This is how one starts a conversation with a Trump voter to start effecting a change

I get a lot of flack because I attempt to engage the Trump voter on my radio show Politics Done Right. This listener gives me hope because even if he does not overtly change his opinions, he returns to the show each time a bit more civil.

How I intend to change the Trump voter eventually

Listen to the entire show here

The Trump voter is not lost if one takes the time to build a communication channel. But it takes a lot of time to build trust. It takes a lot of listening. It is slow.

It is true that many of these voters are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, and misogynistic. But guess what? Many Progressives and Liberals are as well even though many of us attempt to give the impression that because we are Progressives and Liberals, all is okay or do not suffer the sin of prejudice.

It is the realization mentioned above that humbles me. Many times we are told not to bother. Many advise us that it is a waste of time to spend time trying to change their minds instead of working the Progressive non-voting base.

Given the results of the last four two-year election cycles, trying to make non-voters voters may just be as hard as changing the minds of the Trump voter.

It is important that engage the Trump voter as well as attempt to get the Progressive non-voter to vote. After all, our goal isn’t solely winning elections by 50% + 1, but winning a governing majority. That requires more than a base election. It means growing the base. Whether some want to admit it or not, much of the Trump voting base share much in common with Progressive voters. The job we have is to break the cycle of indoctrination. That requires painstakingly listening to them and then entertaining a civil discussion.

Please support our radio show dedicated to Progressive political activism and information by liking our Politics Done Right Facebook page here.

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