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Chuck Todd bails out Rich Lowry as Joy-Ann Reid schools on Alt-Right admin (VIDEO)

Chuck Todd bails out Rich Lowry as Joy-Ann Reid schools on Alt-Right admin (VIDEO)

When the National Review editor, Richard Lowry attempted to make a false equivalence between white supremacists and the anti-fascist to placate Trump’s response to the Charlottesville massacre, Joy-Ann Reid was having none of it.

Once again Joy-Ann Reid Schools the good old boys

Joy-Ann Reid did not hold back as she named names making it clear why Trump did not speak out against the White Supremacist after Charlottesville Massacre.

“There are two sides to this now,” Rich Lowry said. “This country now has a violent fringe on the right and on the left. Both of whom, the white nationalist, and the so-called anti-fascist who like violence and thrill to violence like the attention that comes with it. And this is going to get worse before it gets better.

“I think that sort of both sides-ism doesn’t serve anyone well, “Joy-Ann Reid said. “This is an unambiguous evil that is plaguing the country. But it’s leading me to the crucial point. One of the reasons that Donald Trump cannot properly respond to what was an obvious proper response from an American president is the people in his government. Who’s writing the talking points that he was looking down and reading from? He has people like Stephen Miller, claimed as a mentee by Richard Spencer, who is an avowed, open white nationalist. He has Steve Bannon. Who’s writing the talking points that he was looking down and reading from? He has people like Stephen Miller, claimed as a mentee by Richard Spencer, who is an avowed, open white nationalist. He has Steve Bannon who’s been sort of allowed to meld into the normalcy of a governmental employee but who ran which I reread today the post that’s still on their website where they self-described as the home of the Alt-Right.”

“What is the Alt-Right,” Reid continued. “The dressed up term for white nationalism. They called themselves white identitarian(ism). They say that the tribalism, it’s sort of inherent in the human spirit and ought to be also applied to white people. That is who is in his government. Sebastian Gorka who wore the medal of the Vitez Rend Nazi organization being paid by the taxpayer in the government of Donald Trump. The former Publius Decius Mus blogger Michael Anton, in the government; he is surrounded by these people.”

Rich Lowry and Reid then got into a heated debate where Reid was getting the upper hand based on her reality based analysis. Chuck Todd promptly jumped in to save Lowry by stopping Reid and going to break.

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