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President Trump rescinds DACA mostly on false pretenses that are obvious (VIDEO)

President Trump rescinds DACA mostly on false pretenses that are obvious (VIDEO)

The lack of empathy and evil of the Trump administration continues as Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that Donald Trump rescinded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Donald Trump launches Jeff Sessions to revoke DACA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions used nativists reasons cloaked in a false constitutional argument to rescind DACA in a cowardly manner.

The Huffington Post reports the following.

WASHINGTON ― The Trump administration is officially terminating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in six months and punting the matter to Congress, putting nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants at risk of deportation if the president and members of the House and Senate can’t make a deal to protect them.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump sent out Attorney General Jeff Sessions to announce his policy decision. Sessions has opposed the DACA program since its inception under President Barack Obama in 2012, and as a senator, he helped block legislative efforts to help so-called “Dreamers” who came to the U.S. as children. DACA protections, which last for two years and allow Dreamers to work legally, won’t end immediately. Current DACA recipients whose permits expire by March 5 can apply to renew them until Oct. 5. Individuals who do not currently have DACA protections cannot receive permits unless they applied to the program before Sept. 5.

Dreamers whose permits expire on March 6 or later will begin to lose their protections and work permits as soon as they expire, putting them at risk of deportation. Losing DACA protections would put Dreamers at risk of being sent away from the country they’ve lived in since they were children. Although administration officials have said their focus is on deporting criminals, they have also made clear that no undocumented immigrant is safe from being detained or forced out of the country. That includes Dreamers, some of whom have already been locked up.

Sessions seemed elated in his announcements. In fact, he cloaked the entire speech with a xenophobic tinge. He lied claiming that dreamers take away jobs from young Americans. He also implied that they take more than they give when it is a known fact that they are a net positive on Social Security.

It is up to Republicans in Congress now to decide if they are ready to destroy their party. It is unlikely that Congress will act which will help flip Congress in 2018 if Democrats run smart campaigns.

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