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Saturday Night Live’s Trump explains the reason for the continuous chaos (VIDEO)

Saturday Night Live's Trump explains the reason for the continuous chaos

Saturday Night Live is back, and it did not disappoint. Donald Trump has provided this season with what seems like a limitless array of material.

Saturday Night Live’s opening skit displayed a keen political understanding by their writers of the calculated lunacy of the Tump’s presidency. The opening skit was spot on tonight. But an important snippet from that clip explains why Trump creates the volume of chaos that engulfs him 24/7.

Saturday Night Live’s Trump articulates reason for Trump chaos

“People say I remind them of an NFL player because I am combative,” said SNL’s Trump. “I like to win. And I might have a degenerative brain disease. ”

SNL’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders told ‘the president’ she would stand by him no matter what.

“Trust me, ” SNL’s Trump said. “It may seem like what’s coming out of my mouth is B-A-N-A-N-As. But, it was all part of the plan. The more chaos I causethe less, people can focus. We are all getting so tired, so tired. How long ago did I declare war on  North Korea and the Rocketman?”

SNL’s Huckabee gave the wrong answer to SNL’s Trump question. He continued.

“Wrong,” SNL’s Trump said. It was last Friday. You see, I am bending time. So let’s keep the chaos and shake things up around here.”

It is essential that we maintain our focus and stop playing the president’s game. Bid farewell to the distractions.

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