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Republican Rep: Many in GOP want a Democratic House to save America from Trump (VIDEO)

Fmr Republican Rep- Many GOP members want Democratic House to save America from Trump

You know things are crazy in the country when you have Republicans wishing for a Democratic Congress to counter the existential danger that is Donald Trump.

Former Representative David Jolly did not mince his words as he excoriated Donald Trump while on a panel with Joy-Ann Reid. He made it clear that many Republicans are unlikely to do anything to fight Donald Trump. Because of that, he said, many Republicans believe it is best if the House is taken over by Democrats.

Reid asked Jolly at what point does Republicans have responsibility for Trump’s bad acts.

“They have responsibility now,” David Jolly said. “This is a commander-in-chief with no understanding or appreciation for national security. We know that. I have great confidence in John Kelly. He is a sober leader, a very experienced national security leader. I think he is doing a good job trying to contain him. If the moment comes when he cannot, watch John Kelly because the seriousness of this administration rest on how long John Kelly stays.”

But Jolly was not done. He gave the following striking statement.

“There are Republicans, not elected ones in Washington right now,” Jolly said. “Beginning to question whether or not we would be a safer nation if Democrats took the House in 2018.”

Fmr. Rep. David Jolly’s shocking statement on Trump

The former Congressman’s words should not be taken lightly. He has been a recent critic of the president, many times with jarring admonishments. As explained on the panel. It is clear that the President may be wagging the dog. His bombastic performance with both North Korea and Iran cannot be taken lightly.

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