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GOP Congressman wants women forced to give birth to grow labor force (VIDEO)

Women GOP Congressman wants women forced to give birth to grow labor force (VIDEO)

I thought it was a joke. I thought he was misquoted. But there is this video that shows a Republican congressman implying women’s bodies are nothing but producers for the labor market.

Representative Scott Allen, (R-WI) was very clear in his statement on why he believes men have ultimate control of women’s bodies.

He wants control of women’s bodies for labor force purposes

ThinkProgress reported the following.

This week, the Wisconsin State Assembly voted to approve a bill that would prevent health insurance plans for state employees from covering abortions, except in the cases of rape, incest, or to save the mother’s life.

While the bill passed on party lines, there was one legislator, Rep. Scott Allen (R), who said the law didn’t go far enough.

“Often in public debates people are afraid to say it, but let me just say it: Abortion is wrong,” Allen said, as reported by Mitch Reynolds of WIZM. “Although it may be legal we should in no way shape or form should we provide public funding for abortion.”

Allen then went on to argue that abortion was wrong for economic reasons, essentially saying that all women should be forced to have babies in order to grow the labor market.

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines. Labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth,” Allen said. “And limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services and infrastructure. In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

There is nothing governing the things many of these Republican politicians will say anymore. Trump has made it vogue for them to reveal their innermost thoughts and warped ideologies without fear. Until Americans make them pay a price for it, nothing will change.

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