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Will Democrats get savvy and take these steps as government shutdown threat looms?

Republican Government Shutdown

Even though I can only respond to a few, I try to read comments from the readers of my articles and blog posts. I’ve found I have some extremely savvy, intelligent, and wise readers. James Lee commented on a recent post about the Republican tax cut scam with a prescient message that Democrats should heed whether a government shutdown comes to pass or not.

James Lee wrote the following.

With the threat of a government shut down looming don’t you think that this is the best opportunity for Democrats to highlight the worst aspects of the tax cut bill? I do.

  • Remind the nation that a shut down is solely the fault of Republicans who control every branch of the federal government.
  • That Republicans are fighting among themselves about the best way to transfer money from the poor, working & middle class to the wealthy.
  • Use the new tax bill as an example of how they are transferring wealth – highlight the worst provisions in a clear understandable way.
  • Educate the public to the fact that these tax cut provisions can still be stopped and lead them to participate in efforts to derail the tax bill when it goes to conference.
  • Talk about three to four goals that Democrats would like to see in the tax bill.
  • Tie the tax bill to the government shutdown telling the public that Democrats will be fighting during shut down to stop the worse of the tax bill and improve it with their top provisions. This allows Democrats to conflate any government shutdown with the tax bill and now they can negotiate changes to the tax bill in exchange for help in avoiding shut down or restarting the government should a shutdown occur.

My two cents.

Everything James Lee wrote is on point and should be the modus operandi for the Democrats.

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