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It is time to remove the existential threat from office

Donald Trump existential threat

Donald Trump is an existential threat to the United States of America both domestically and internationally. The absence of citizen action must end now.

What has happened to the American spirit? How can a country who admonishes those countries who continue to elect despots just sit back while its despot decimates the fabric of our society? Did we become so weak and impotent that we’ve forgotten that we-the-people matter and continue to have the power to effect change?

The release of Michael Wolff’s new book “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House”  tells a rather pathetic story. Steve Bannon, the president’s past campaign director, and confidant confirmed is the fact that Donald Trump Jr. and likely more in the family committed both a treasonous and unpatriotic act as they met Russian operatives in Trump Tower.

The book revealed in more detail that the president’s closest advisors mock him as a moron, an idiot, a dumb ass, and a dope. Republican leadership knows this. But all they need is Donald Trump’s rudderless, brainless right hand to sign their Ayn Randian draconian bills.

The Republican tax cut scam was signed with some popular resistance but not near the activity needed for the pain that it will cause or for the pilfering of the poor and the middle-class it represents. The EPA is decimating regulations that protected our environment as Trump and Republican cronies are allowed to pollute our environment and profit from our national treasure.

Republicans have sworn to use the deficit created by the tax cut scam as a reason to cut the Social Security, Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare of the masses.

Again, why are Americans so relatively silent? The Plutocracy is, of the belief that the tenets instituted by the Powell Manifesto have rendered them soft. Activists are geared up. It is now time that every American become an activist. It is time to ensure that civil actions slow down the process, the pilfer, currently being affected by Republicans. They know they have an intellectually challenged and mentally unstable president that they control even as he is a pompous empty suit.

So what specifically must Americans do? The resistance infrastructure has already been built. The only thing missing is you. First, go to Indivisible. It will guide you to a local group to work through. Be active in that group and suggest your own actions. There are many other groups like Our Revolution, Swing Left, etc. that you can, that you must be a part of. Do not wait. Become a voter registrar and register people to vote, making sure they have the proper credential for your state.

That is what it will take. It is time to wake up. It is time be the Americans that we must be if we will become the America we want to become.

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