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A white supremacist called my show and did not get what he expected (VIDEO)

A white supremacist called my show and did not get what he expected

A white supremacist called into my Politics Done Right show this week. I pride myself on giving every caller the opportunity to present their point of view. But I am never shy about civilly and respectfully refuting them. And I did just that.

The white supremacist had a calm voice likely expecting a shouting match that would unravel me as he came across as the sane one. He got a dignified, schooling instead.

White supremacist caller schooled, but it wasn’t for him

The caller had an interesting definition of voter fraud. In his opinion, undocumented immigrants perpetrate voter fraud by birthing American citizens. And because supposedly immigrants mostly vote for Democratic candidates it is a problem.

Throughout the discourse, it was clear that the caller was concerned about the demographic makeup of America. He finally fessed up to it when I made a case for the undocumented immigrant’s right to stay in this country.

“Immigration should be culturally compatible,” the white supremacist said. “So yes it should be mostly European immigration as it was pre-1965.”

When I told him it is clear that he believes America must be a white country and that he believes in white supremacy, I got the expected answer.

“But Egberto,” the caller said. “That is how the country was founded.”

Of course, he is right. But a country founded on immoral foundation could not stand if immutable. America became a great nation because its flawed creation had clauses that allowed it to grow and change.

The person who called after the white supremacist scolded me for being too kind to someone he perceived as evil. I explained that when I speak to callers like the one who called, I am not responding solely to him, but to the thousands who are listening, some still with formative minds. I am not trying to convert on the spot as that is never longlasting. I am trying to plant seeds with the expectation that some will grow and bear fruit.

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You can watch/listen/podcast the entire show here.

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