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O’Donnell rubbed salt in Trump’s Pennsylvania-loss-wound like Trump does others (VIDEO)

Trump O'Donnell rubbed salt in Trump's Pennsylvania-loss-wound like Trump does others (VIDEO)

Lawrence O’Donnell did to Donald Trump what Donald Trump does typically to others. He punched him while he was already down. He did it with a real sense of class as he deconstructed Democrat Conor Lamb’s improbable win even with GOP imposed pitfalls.

O’Donnell uses Trump-type verbal assault on Trump

Lawrence O’Donnell was not kind to Donald Trump as he laid the entire blame on Trump for the Democratic Candidate Conor Lamb’s win.

O’Donnell first pointed out that before the election Donald Trump was tweeting about the robustness of the economy. In his tweet, he told his voters to “Vote for Rick Saccone and keep it going!”

After it was clear that Democratic Candidate Conor Lamb had won, we heard crickets from the President. O’Donnell, in his piece, then went into Trumpian ridicule mode.

“Donald Trump was crushed last night in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District,” O’Donnell said gleefully. “Republicans know what happened last night. Democrats won a congressional district where they didn’t even bother to put up a democratic name on the ballot in the last two elections. That’s how hopeless it was. Democrats won in a congressional district where the Republican could previously run unopposed. Democrats won in a Congressional district where Donald Trump won by 20 points, a congressional district where Mitt Romney won by 17 points. The Democrats won in a congressional district that was gerrymandered by Republicans as are most of the congressional districts where Republicans win. But this was a congressional district so perversely gerrymandered by the Republicans, that the United States Supreme Court ruled it such an illegally contrived district that Pennsylvania is going to have to just eliminate it.”

O’Donnell went on the say the district was drawn to ensure a Democrat could never win., He then went past the salt and twisted a knife into the wound.

“Donald Trump has been humiliated into silence,” O’Donnell said. “Donald Trump went to the never-lose district and lost.”

Trump much more of his own medicine. Just maybe the fear of ridicule will attenuate his constant need to demean.

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