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Trump Effect: Republican official refer to blacks as baboons in hateful racist rants (VIDEO)

Trump Effect Republican official refer to blacks as baboons in hateful racist rants (VIDEO)

I continue to document the Trump Effect by providing examples of the President supporters who have lost near complete inhibition. This Republican woman, with her racist rant, is a reflection of many that unless exposed, will continue to be metastasizing cancer in our society.

Carla Maloney, Beaver County Republican Committee illustrates, Trump Effect

The Trump Effect has caused many Republicans to lose their sanity and focus freeing them to allow their inner fears and personal racism to emerge.

The Beaver Countian reported the following.

A series of racially charged Facebook posts attributed to an official for the Beaver County Republican Committee refer to African American athletes as “baboons,” suggest they should go back to Africa, and urge “white people” to “stop paying their salaries.” was provided with a screenshot which appears to show a woman named Carla Belich Fueller posting from her Facebook account about protests being conducted by NFL players. It is unclear exactly when the posts were made.

The posts began, “Tired of these over paid ignorant blacks telling me what I should believe in. I will tell you what I believe in and that is our Flag and National Anthem and America period end of story. You don’t like it here go to Africa see how you like it there. We are all Americans not African American not Hispanic American. WE ARE ALL AMERICAN.”

In other posts according to the news organization, Maloney said expressed the following.

She followed up with a second post suggesting violence may soon erupt, “What we have in this country right now is reverse racism. I am so sick of the name calling, rioting, shooting, and looting. I don’t know when but there will be another civil war in this country soon (sic) than later.”

“Steelers are now just as bad as the rest of the over paid baboons. You respect your flag, country and our national atnthem (sic). How many men and women have lost limbs or died to protect this country and you baboons want respect. If you want respect you need to earn it and so far you haven’t. Stop watching, or going to a game and paying for over priced food, water and tickets. Lets see how the baboons get paid when white people stop paying their salaries.”

By now it should be apparent to everyone that the protests have nothing to do with dishonoring the military, the flag, or anything else. It is a protest designed to bring awareness to police murdering people of color and a negligent society that give many of them a pass. It is about the devaluing of a segment of our people. The kneeling players are used as scapegoats to promote racial divisions further.

These Trump followers should consider listening to Beto O’Roarke, the Congressman running to unseat Texas Senator Ted Cruz. The Congressman gave an impassioned speech in defense of the NFL football players protesting.

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