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Bob Woodward: “People better wake up to what’s going on” in the Oval Office

Bob Woodward

Even as Donald Trump polls fall, Americans do not seem to grasp the danger of this President. We tend to be always a step behind which makes recovering that much more difficult.

I read an article in the DemocraticUnderground that where the writer laments that the response to the op-ed was not more effective in bringing Trump closer to ouster.

One would think that given the message Anonymous was conveying that this OpEd would have been the final nail in Trump’s coffin. That the Repugs in Congress would finally get the message and move to remove Trump from office.

Instead most of the interest in the OpEd revolves around the identity of ‘Anonymous’. It was made a game by the MSM and people are still putting in their guesses as to who wrote this OpEd.

Now why wasn’t this OpEd more effective? My guess is how Trump handled the furor surrounding this OpEd. We always hear in the background that he is furious. He is volcanic. He is obsessed with finding out who the author is and punishing him/her.

He answered the question. The media concentration on the wrong issues and Trump not exploding as he usually did, played into diminishing its impact.

Many do not get it. The Plutocracy probably loves a contained Trump more so than a standard issue president of any party because while we are distracted with his childlike tantrums and idiocy, they are looting the country and establishing new anti-regulation goalposts.

Watergate journalist Bob Woodward made headlines once again this past week, with his new book about the Trump White House, entitled “Fear.” This morning, in his first TV interview, Woodward paints a picture for our David Martin of an administration in disarray:

“You look at the operation of this White House and you have to say, ‘Let’s hope to God we don’t have a crisis,'” said Bob Woodward.

For the Washington Post reporter, that is the bottom line to all the jaw-dropping chaos and discord described in his new book, “Fear: Trump in the White House” (published by Simon & Schuster, a division of CBS).

“People who work for him are worried … that he will sign things or give orders that threaten the national security or the financial security of the country, or of the world,” Woodward said.

Aides like then-Chief Economic Adviser Gary Cohn and White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter literally stole documents off the president’s desk in the Oval Office, such as a letter terminating a trade agreement with South Korea, so that, Woodward explained, Mr. Trump could not sign them: “Because they realized that this would endanger the country.”

Source: Bob Woodward: “People better wake up to what’s going on” in the Oval Office

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