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It’s not the Midterm 2018 October Surprise we expected. There are three surprises.

October Surprise

This is not a standard midterm election. And if Progressives do not win Midterm 2018, it will prove that the lies, hate, nativism, nationalism., sexism, xenophobia. and misogyny is the way for a minority to scare a majority into supporting the opposition.

Let’s first tackle a lie that is not an October Surprise, just a lie. Congress has adjourned and there is no way to get a tax cut through before the election. Fortune reported it as follows.

President Donald Trump announced a new 10% tax cut would come into effect before the midterms, intended only for the middle class, not for businesses—nor the rich.

The only trouble? Congress isn’t in session, congressional leaders haven’t heard about it, nothing has been drafted, and Trump seemed to have invented it from whole cloth on Oct. 20, based on a confirmation provided by a White House spokesperson who spoke to CNBC.

Trump’s talk of a 10% tax cut comes a few weeks after the House took advantage of the attention focused on the Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh to pass $3.8 trillion in additional tax cuts on top of the December 2017 changes. Passed on Sept. 28, there was little chance of the Senate taking up this legislation, and the Senate has so far ignored it.

So here is the October Surprise Trio.

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