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Neil Aquino: Activist must forward Progressive ideas now to fuel City Council debate

by Neil Aquino

We must put forward progressive, liberal or Democratic Socialist ideas as the 2019 Houston City Council and Mayoral election season gets underway.

We don’t have to focus on individual candidates — few will run on such platforms.

We can and should offer policy ideas and values as we question candidates, evaluate options and consider Houston’s future. We must influence the debate and make sure our issues are on the table.

My priorities for Houston municipal candidates are below. You will have your own priorities. Let’s take leadership ourselves to make certain we are heard.

  1. Work to repeal the revenue cap so Houston can raise the money it needs to properly function.
  2. Take aggressive action to fight climate change — even if that means difficult conversations with Houston’s energy companies. Talk publicly about climate change.

  3. A stated willingness to help mobilize the public — and offer leadership and support — against any moves to an authoritarian government by the Trump administration.

  4. Making sure the City and the Houston Police Department allow lawful and peaceful demonstrations to be conducted in public places, and maintains awareness of any far-right elements in the police department.

  5. Make public statements that human rights violations against immigrants, unlimited detentions and child-detention “jails” are unacceptable in the city of Houston, and act to prevent all three.

  6. Take an active role to help elect progressive candidates at all levels of government. That means leading voter registration efforts, phone banks and block walks. If you want our support for your election, then, also show up when you aren’t on the ballot.

  7. Be accessible to the public, and use social media and public addresses to talk about issues – not just for innocuous publicity.

  8. Have a plan to make sure recovery from Hurricane Harvey is equitable.

I will do my best to make my agenda known in 2019 Houston city elections. I encourage you to make your views known as well in the upcoming campaign.

Neil Aquino
Houston, Texas

Neil Aquino is a dedicated and dependable Houston area, Progressive activist. If there is any political action in town, he is sure to be there to lend his support.

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