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Centrists have nothing to offer the poor and dwindling middle-class.

Left Centrists Progressive

The Plutocracy is starting to activate their Centrists. Ironically it is coming from places one would think unlikely. Former CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, is considering running for President as an independent Centrist. Why? This staunch Democrat believes the Democratic Party is moving to far to the left.

I have supported Starbucks for years. I purchased their overpriced coffee because I wanted to reward a company whose CEO so believed in social values that he gave even his part-time employees healthcare, education, and much more. He did more for his employees than most companies did.

Progressives want at least those things for all employees in America. They want Single-Payer Medicare for All, pay-it-forward college, and more. In other words, they want good social policies that countries much less prosperous than ours are providing for their citizens.

What happened to Howard Schultz? He recently appeared on Morning Joe and said he is no longer a Democrat because of their turn to the left. Really? To most Progressives, the Party of FDR has been turning to the Right for the last 40 years. The leftward turn he speaks about is nothing more than the Party righting itself.

When Schultz disparaged Medicare for All as if it was some extreme left idea, he disparaged every industrialized country we are allied with whose citizens are healthier than us on average. When he demeans pay-it-forward tuition, he demeans America insinuating that while countries from Germany to Brazil to Trinidad & Tobago can educate their own, we are impotent and incapable of ensuring extended education for all our citizens.

Here is the reality. The country is not a Center-Right or a Center-Left country. It is a Progressive country. The polls are absolute. That said, we will not follow the lead of billionaires attempting to fool us into an ever right-moving center. Americans will no longer succumb to the indoctrination. Progressive Social Democracy that everyone can understand and know is the only way to mitigate the extractive nature of unfettered poorly regulated capitalism. And it is around the corner. Hard-working Progressive activists are on the ground informing, educating, and enlightening the masses even with the misinformation from the Plutocrats and their wards. Stay tuned.

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