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Here is the truth about Medicare for All vs Private Insurance that robs you

Medicare for All Private Health Insurance

The private insurance system is nothing more than a family of corporations taking the money of Americans to pay a bill we could pay, for next to nothing. Private health insurance is tantamount to legalized theft.

Anyone who saw Bernie Sanders on Fox News should know by now that at this point in time, Medicare for All is a winning message. You know it is real when CNBC reports the following in an article titled “Bernie Sanders gets strong support for ‘Medicare for All’ at Fox News town hall.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders spent much of a Fox News town hall Monday discussing his signature “Medicare for All” proposal, which has energized liberals and fueled conservative backlash. The Vermont independent should be encouraged by the Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, crowd’s reaction to his plan.

At one point in the event, Fox’s Bret Baier asked attendees if they get private health insurance from work. A majority of audience members raised their hands. Baier then asked whether people would be willing to transition to a government-run health system as described by Sanders. Roughly the same number of attendees raised their hands. Some audience members cheered. Baier noted during the town hall that the crowd included Democrats, Republicans independents.

Of course there was a caveat in the article.

It should not come as a surprise that Sanders’ plan fared well in presidential swing state Pennsylvania. In March, 56 percent of people surveyed by the Kaiser Family Foundation said they support a “national health plan in which all Americans would get their insurance from a single government plan,” while 39 percent said they oppose such a proposal. Support for a single-payer system climbed from 50 percent in a February 2016 Kaiser poll.

However, support for Medicare for All drops significantly if poll respondents are told it could require most Americans to pay more in taxes or eliminate private health insurance companies, according to separate Kaiser polling.

And that is the wrench-in-the-gear we must fight. It is a false choice. People don’t buy health insurance to like health insurance as a service. They want healthcare. We must make that point understandably as we point out the pilfering that is private health insurance. I’ve been making several video snippets to illustrate the point. We will need to flood all forms of media and communication to fight the paid onslaught that the health industrial complex is unleashing. There is nothing better than everyday Americans telling their stories and desires. We need peer pressure on our side.

Medicare for All vs. Private Health Insurance

I covered this topic on this episode of Politics Done Right.

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