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Talking Grand Plan to make Joe Biden inevitable on the Tamara for Georgia Program

Talking Joe Biden vs. Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders on Tamara for Georgia

The Tamara for Georgia panel discusses the “Hillarization” of Joe Biden as the entire Democratic Industrial Complex (donors, party establishment, & media) seem to be attempting to make him the inevitable Democratic Presidential Candidate. The panel was unanimous in the belief that Biden is not the appropriate candidate.

Joe Biden Inevitable?

Every Democrat wants to win. The old guard of the Democratic Party is either of the belief that they have to make a more significant play for the white working class that in the aggregate do not vote Democratic or worse, tack to the mythical center to appease their wealthy donors, read the plutocracy.

I recently addressed that in a piece I wrote titled “Democrats must nominate a populist if they are to win the White House and Congress” that Thom Hartmann picked up on to make the point more succinctly that we should not be looking for some mythical center. And that is what Joe Biden would represent. The status quo does not help the middle-class and poor.

When Americans pollsters give Americans choices of policies, they reveal themselves as Progressives. So why is it that their votes show centrism? The answer is obvious. The powers-that-be hoodwink them into believing the things they want most are unattainable. Worse, their leaders tell them that their wants would cost jobs or hurt the economy. In other words, fear is responsible for most Americans tacking to the mythical center.

Centrist-voting Americans are fighting for two basic wants. First and foremost they want Trump defeated in 2020. They also want middle-class centric, Progressive policies. But to them, getting rid of Trump is more existential. So they will forego the policies if they believe fighting for them could cost them the election.

Middle-class-centric-policies require that particular word, redistribution, higher taxes on the rich. Neither wealthy Republicans or Democrats want too much redistribution codified into law, Republicans more so than Democrats. As such even on the Democratic side, the more moderate candidate gets the nod. The media and the wards of the Plutocracy then coalesce around that candidate to provide an air of inevitability. The media along with the punditry followingly provide the fear-instilling narratives that make many vote against their interests.

As I state in the video clip, we should start seriously visiting the Elizabeth Warren policy positions. But most importantly we need to explain her policies to the masses in a manner that make them realize they should be allied with us and not with those merely pushing the status quo or hate.

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