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Here is how we beat the Medicare for All liars at their own game.

Here is how we beat the Medicare for All liars at their own game

Opponents of Medicare For All are out in full vogue lying to the American people with impunity. The problem is that they have powerful allies on both sides of the aisle.

We expect Republican politicians who are owned entirely by the corporate and Libertarian faction of the Plutocracy to be the enemy of people as they savage Medicare for All in an antiseptic fashion no less. When a Democratic presidential candidate does it especially using Right Wing talking points, it should end their career — not only for a Presidential run but for any national Democratic seat. Michael Bennet committed that sin against the well-being of Americans, and for that, going forward we must not reward him with any elected office as a Democrat.

Organizations like the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future (PAHCF) are executing on all cylinders to misinform you about Medicare for All. Even Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has mischaracterized it using PAHCF talking points. We cannot allow them to stop the momentum to the reality that healthcare must be a right.

Here is how we neutralize Medicare for All liars

Why must the grassroots do its job? This “The Intercept” article should scare us into action.

Senior Centrist Democrats’ staff and Republicans met at a luxury resort to listen to lobbyists who want to kill Medicare for All.

AT A LUXURY RESORT just outside of the nation’s capital last month, around four dozen senior congressional staffers decamped for a weekend of relaxation and discussion at Salamander Resort & Spa. It was an opportunity for Democrats and Republicans to come together and listen to live music from the Trailer Grass Orchestra, sip surprisingly impressive glasses of Virginia wine — and hear from health care lobbyists focused on defeating Medicare for All.

So which Democrats were represented?

Several aides to Democratic leadership filed disclosures showing that they received paid travel to attend the Center Forward retreat, including chiefs of staff to Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md. The retreat included chiefs of staff to leading centrist Democrats, including Reps. Kurt Schrader D-Ore.; David Trone, D-Md.; Dan Lipinski, D-Ill.; and Xochitl Torres Small, D-N.M. Officials from the Blue Dogs, Problem Solvers Caucus, and the New Democrats were also in attendance.

Reformed ex-Health Insurance Industry Executive Wendell Potter described the event as follows.

“The host list speaks for itself,” said Wendell Potter, president of Business Initiative for Health Policy. “This event wasn’t about fixing the health care system. It was about protecting the health care industry, no matter the cost to patients, families, workers, or employers.”

“The industry is the root cause of our health care crisis. A congressional staffer serious about finding solutions wouldn’t touch that retreat with a 10-foot pole,” he added.

The retreat was nothing more but a meeting to shore up support for the status quo. It is clear they want to continue the modus operandi of the Healthcare Industrial complex.

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