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Impeach Trump sooner than later. Democrats now look weak.

During the days of Democrats hyperventilating about Russia, many cautioned that we should be more concerned with issues that directly affect Americans. The investigation would take care of itself. We can impeach later if evidence dictates that outcome. Well, it has, and now is the time to act quickly and decisively.

Many are deferring to the wisdom of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. While there is no one better and more experienced at the machinations of government, Speaker Pelosi may not be that experienced in what will drive 2020, an election where 2018 voters want to see Congress act.

The American population is smart enough to know that a corrupt Republican Senate won’t remove Trump from office, but the Congress can put the deserved Scarlet Letter on him, the I-WORD he so dreads. Who knows, it may provide the impetus for electing a Democratic Senate as a safety net in case he survives 2020.

Time to impeach now

My friend and supporter Tim Danahey said it best in an email he sent me this morning.

I have a lot of respect for Nancy Pelosi. I supported her to regain her position as Speaker transitionally as the nation needed her experience in these times of Trump. I believe she is serving us well as Speaker and bedevils Trump.

I deferred to her as she pursued a “go slow” approach to Presidential investigations but, based on Mueller’s announcement, I must change.

Impeachment is not a political calculation. There is strong evidence the President has participated in multiple crimes (a word the Democrats must start using instead of “obstruction” or “collusion”). We are Constitutionally-obligated to begin impeachment proceedings. Given the shameful and un-American conduct of Mitch McConnell and the Republicans, it can be expected they will value party “uber alles” and vote against impeachment. Donald Trump will crow about his vindication and America will continue its dance with fascism.

However, Democrats must present the crimes, the evidence, and the cases so clearly that the American people can see it. Individual Republican senators will go down in history by their vote. It will be their legacy and they will have to tell their grandchildren.

If Democrats do nothing, we will succumb to the words of Sir Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”


I could not agree more. We have the 400-page Mueller Report, the work of dozen’s of reputable investigative reporters, and competent staff. It is not rocket science. Impeach him now. Get it done in three months. Get on with working on poor and middle-class centric policies and the election. The electorate would reward Democrats.

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