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Medicare for All: Move To Amend’s Director Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap ovarian cancer story

Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap

Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap knows first hand that Medicare for All is not a wish. For many, it is existential given the pathetic state of our private health insurance system.

Sopoci-Belknap healthcare story

Watch the full episode here.

Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap is the Director of Move to Amend, the organization working on the 28th Amendment (The amendment states that corporations are no people and that money is not speech.) A few months back, she felt a discomforting pain in her abdomen, and unfortunately, they diagnosed her with ovarian cancer. Fortunately, they found it early.

Kaitlin is an ovarian cancer survivor. She had access to reasonably good insurance from her husband. He lost his job and is now without coverage.

Kaitlin is living through what is but a hypothetical to many of the candidates who are on the dole either from us or who knows, future kickbacks for allowing the continuance of a corrupt system? Kaitlin’s story is piercing not only for every woman but for anyone who has interfaced with the pilfering nature of our health care system. My wife and my healthcare stories, and those of so many follow this pattern, the health-industrial complex using its pricing power to “legally steal.”

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