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Liberals & Progressives better reflect Jesus than today’s bible thumpers


Liberals & Progressives for too long allowed the Right to promote the fallacy that they are the moral and Christian Party. Actions speak much louder than words. And we must graphically paint those actions precisely onto the shepherds misleading the flock.

I recently interviewed Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, president & senior lecturer of Repairers of the Breach, architect of the Moral Mondays movement in North Carolina, & co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign. I asked him how do we get to those who are misled by their leaders.

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The blog I am speaking of in the video is titled “Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II warns those adopting religion according to Trump.”

Barber points out that those with good hearts should be “conspicuous in the public square.” In other words, do not allow the Pharisees to dictate Christianity or faith.

Barber called what those who can only be called faux-Christians, a false modern narrative of religious nationalism. He said they fear the challenge from others. Barber said it is necessary to expose them along with their contradictions.

“Anytime you have a group of people trying to suggest,” Barber said. “That if you are for prayer in the schools, you are against women’s right to choose; You are for guns. You are for tax cuts. You are against civil rights. You are against health care. That somehow, those positions are quote/unquote positions of authentic faith rooted in our deepest religious values is just wrong. And you have to expose it openly.”

And I reiterate Progressive policies are more in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ than the positions the Right are taking. Their position of supporting tax cuts at all cost, individualism, selfishness, and multifaceted hate is anathema the book they purport to follow.

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