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Trump Effect: White security guard pulls gun on Black uniformed police officer

The Trump Effect is real. Every person of color’s life is in danger and the tone is set from the top. When we are led by a president who uses attacks on people of color as a distraction for his ineptitude, lack of policies, and innate racist being, that sentiment is transmitted to and validated by some in the population at large who share his sentiment.

But this event beats them all. According to local news outlet WTVG, Lucas County Ohio Sheriff Deputy Alan Gaston entered a local IRS office in full uniform with all his gear including his gun.

Gaston told the local station he was not able to put his gun away because he was on duty at the time, so the security guard pulled out his gun and followed Gaston, who was in uniform, to the elevator

Video shows Gaston walking away as Eklund follows him with his gun pointed at his back.

“Basically preparing myself to be shot at that moment. Bracing for a shot in my back,” Gaston told the station.
Eklund, with his gun drawn, can then be seen attempting to take Gaston into custody as he enters the elevator to leave. …

Toledo police arrived on the scene shortly after receiving a call that a man, now known to be Gaston, arrived at the office armed, they said. The caller did not point out however that Gaston was a uniformed police officer, with his badge clearly visible.

The Hill

The Trump Effect

I recently traveled to Netroots Nation 2019 in Philadelphia. I carried my Politics Done Right banner in a rifle case because it consisted of many long poles. I wrote the following on the case.

“Even though this is a country that claims to revere the 2nd Amendment, it does not apply to all. To be clear this gun case has no gun in it. It has a banner stand and promotional material for Netroots Nation 2019 conference”

I made a rather funny video. But the reality is that I was very serious about the issue.

That a white security guard with a gun pointed a gun on a black police officer in full uniform and gear and tries to arrest him speaks something about the racial state of this country. Now let’s see what happens to the security guard.

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