I had to do a double-take to make sure I heard what I thought I heard. I listened keenly and she said what I thought she said and it is a travesty that a female GOP strategist would say what she said.
GOP Strategist thinks little of women or facts
Currently, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris are all beating Donald Trump in various polls. Yet GOP strategist says only an old white man can win.
While many continue to cower by a false impression of Donald Trump’s strength, it will do all well to remember several things.
- Hillary Clinton won almost 3 million more votes than Trump even though she lost the electoral college. That makes it clear that a woman can beat a man even in America. That our constitution has an aberration that allows this is a travesty irrespective of frivolous reasons to the contrary. There is no democracy if one can create an almost permanent state of minority rule. That North Dakota and California has the same number of Senators is probative. That the gerrymander can skew a state’s representation biased to the loser is probative.
- If Hillary had followed the warning signs in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, & Michigan, she would be president today. A GOTV in these states would have given her the 80,000 votes she needed in those three states.
The Republican strategist is not “pundit-ing” with fact-based data. Unfortunately, if we do not refute her words, she will put some doubt in parts of the Democratic base.