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The plutocracy is okay with governance by a mad man but the masses must not.

Mad Man Donald Trump

It does not take a psychiatrist to figure out that the behavior of the president is that of a mad man. Whether an act or intentional is immaterial. The damage that Donald Trump has caused both nationally and internationally over the last two-plus years will take many more years to rectify.

Early on in the Trump administration, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell went where very few journalists dared to go. He brought on experts who way back then understood that the President’s mental processing was unlike that of any previous president. His delusion, narcissism, and propensity to lie was constant.

As his administration continues its path to maximal chaos, the president’s irrationality has increased. In just the span of a few days, the president’s irrationality bordering on madness was out for all to see.

Indivisible Houston President Daniel Cohen did not mince his words as he wrote an editorial concerning the latter. He wrote,

There are some daunting yet clearly defined truths underlying much of this modern anti-Semitism. First, we should accept as fact that the Right is uniquely anti-Semitic and uniquely married to anti-Semitism as a political position in the United States. While anti-Semitism can and has come from the Left before, the White House intentionally stokes all forms of social and racial resentment on purpose. When the highest seat in power on one side of the political spectrum offers hatred, that side of the aisle has functionally enabled hatred to go mainstream and is complicit in that movement. The White House is guilty as charged. 

The second daunting truth we must acknowledge is the standard cycle of communications the White House uses to hide its anti-Semitism. Trump loves to accuse his opposition of anti-Semitism by immediately bringing up the topic of Israel. By bogging down the conversation in a topic that is removed from many Americans, the White House communications team bets on sandbagging any counter arguments to its position and obscuring the very anti-Semitic things it said to start the whole discussion.
Jews are not a monolith; there are a few out there that have been coerced or otherwise convinced to cut for Trump. 

But this Jew has a message for the White House and the rest of the world: We aren’t buying it. 

One wonders why the Right, Republicans, and Evangelicals are yet to be critical of this president in the aggregate. The reality is that more than just impeachment, his behavior dictates a more immediate remedy. It is now the time to invoke the 25th Amendment. It is impossible that these enablers are unaware of the president delusion, narcissism, and incoherence.

The reality is that Donald Trump is serving his purpose. He is eroding our rights to good wages, health care, a clean environment, and much more. These actions are equivalent to an influx of cash for many corporations, the plutocracy. It is clear then that one of the reasons there is so little reaction to Trump’s mad man acts by his enablers is that he is their useful puppet. When they’ve exhausted all that he can deliver, they will make him be the fall guy for all that they enabled.

One hopes the poor and middle-class do not allow these charlatans to keep us fighting among each other as they destroy the core of this nation.

Too many are approaching the election of their candidate from a position of fear. Ironically the fear is both on the Right and the Left. It is exactly where the Plutocracy wants us.

I continue to watch the 2020 Democratic Primary with some level of disgust. I don’t think I have seen a citizenry this scared since I have come to the country. Normally people stay away from politics. Now I am finding people just looking for a reason to get into it. The grocery store is no longer sacred.

But I also see a change. Right-Wingers are getting less defensive of the President and the Republican party. This leaves an ever so small opening to tip a very small few but in some districts, maybe enough. Remember, in places like Texas, the legislatures are in play.

Just like we thought outside the box aa we picked a then Progressive candidate Barack Obama, a black man elected “before the country was ready that visual change,” we could elect a Democratic Socialist who speaks to the hearts, wants, and needs of the masses or a humane studied pseudo capitalist.

It is high time that we stop buying into the narrative that a woman or some non-standard candidate cannot win the U.S presidency. It is imperative that a Progressive is elected to run against Donald Trump. It is ironic but President Trump won the electoral college partly on a Progressive message. In several blogs at Daily Kos, many of the more Progressive bloggers warned that his triangulation technique included that reality.

We must stop looking for some sole white knight to save us from Donald Trump. Just the semblance of being the best candidate to beat him because of some perceived demographic one can attract is a fool’s errand that is easily defeated in the general election. Hard work, talking to the wants, needs, and fears of all our citizens are what is necessary. Neither running to a mythical center, attempting to appease a base who needs progressive policies but are otherwise duped, or running a Republican Lite campaign will win. Accepting the former is but a ruse by the Plutocracy to maintain a status quo that hurts us all. And many will say, I have nothing to lose staying home. We do not need marginally less suffering. What we need is healing and restoration from an economic system that broke the middle-class and a mad man whose extreme has likely made it clear to many. 

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