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An engineered Biden Democratic Primary Win means 4 more Trump years

An engineered Biden Democratic Primary Win means 4 more Trump years

Trump is likely to get impeached. It is still highly unlikely that he will be convicted in the Senate if Democrats finally get the “Pelotas” to justifiably finish the job. As such, one must assume he will be the Republican candidate in 2020. And what about Biden?

Assuming the latter, Trump is playing the reelection game perfectly. If the Democrats are foolish enough to engineer a Biden win they will be making it that much easier for the Republicans.

I wrote a blog a few months ago, that I cannot find now, stating that the Trump team would turn Biden into Trump from all the proclivities a man in the same generation with Trump displays. From sexist issues to racist issues, to non-apologizing issues, and now to children profiting off of a name and their parents’ politics is probative.

An unqualified offspring of a vice-president making $50,000 a month has little to do with Scranton, PA and much more to do with the impression of the Wall Street crowd moving jobs and capital overseas. While it may not be to the same degree as Trump, the busy voter won’t be made to easily see said reality.

Trump is no genius, it is just that the establishment of both parties has the same masters. I so wish our rank & file Democrats, Independent, and Republicans understood the scam.

I have a guest, Eleanor Goldfield a young activist friend from DC, recently on Politics Done Right that brought the entire issue up in the proper context. Don’t forget to check it out and share it.

Grassroots political movement and Independent Media is all we got looking out for us. All else, we are being played. We do not have much time to ensure that we right not only the American ship but that of the world. The old-timers currently running the government or selfish and shortsighted. It is time for the rest of us to step up.

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