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Medicare for All for Dummies – But everyone should read it.

Medicare for All for Dummies - But everyone should read it.

There are so many claims, counter-claims, and outright lies about Medicare for All. We hope the following will make it simpler to understand.

by Jerry Manpearl & Nancy Niparko, MD Child Neurology & Epileptology

The Facts:

Next The Lies:

The Certainty:

We hope that you share the information provided in this short primer. Please share widely because those who are intent on continuing the pilfering have the mainstream media, print, and broadcast who are intent on misinforming you hoping that will sour to a program that is not only more efficient but will save thousands of lives.

It is the responsibility of all of us to do our part to ensure we win. It is also our responsibility to ensure that politicians that are found to be misleading us or at the service of those attempting to mislead us are not elected.

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