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Chris Hayes: Bernie’s only candidate checking all boxes

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders won New Hampshire. MSNBC and the MSM just about disregarded Elizabeth Warren as they continue to malign Bernie Sanders and misinform about his strength. Not Chris Hayes.

Chris Hayes tells the inconvenient truth about Bernie Sanders

Brian Williams was attempting to malign Bernie Sanders by making it seem like he was not a positive candidate. He implied America wants a hopeful candidate and Sanders may not be hopeful enough.

Chris Hayes in his very civil manner pushed back. He said that Bernie Sanders has pivoted to provide a more hopeful message. Hayes said it is clear that the Sanders’ team with their ads are doing a much better job.

But Chris Hayes got even deeper. He said Sanders may have wanted a more substantial win. That said, a win is a win. Hell, Bernie won both Iowa and New Hampshire.

Then Hayes went into analyst mode.

“There are three things that are necessary right now to compete in this field,” Hayes said. “One, is you have to perform in the early states. … You have to have the money and organization to play nationally because you will have almost half the delegates awarded on Super Tuesday …, and you have to put together a multiracial coalition.”

It is important that we do not allow the plutocracy and the mainstream media to define the narrative as it is usually a false or at best, corporatized one.

Here is the deal, Bernie won as expected. That said, we must not give up on Elizabeth Warren. She is an integral part of the progressive coalition we will need in Milwaukee.

This stuff is just beginning. Both Sanders and Warren need to fight for Yang’s vote and earn Bennet’s who clearly lied to us all. Biden is toast. The media is trying to will Klobuchar as they did Biden as they try to create a narrative that makes a Bloomberg purchase of the Democratic Party and possibly the nomination palatable.

Our electorate is getting smarter. We are working on continual informing to bring progress. Let the people choose lest the pattern of failure on a national and state level will continue.

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