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The Bloomberg Freudian slip: He bought Democratic politicians

Bloomberg Freudian slip

Mike Bloomberg had a Freudian slip as they discussed him funding many Republican candidates including Lindsey Graham. He started to say that he bought the politicians.

Could not believe this Bloomberg slip

“Let’s just go on the record,” Mike Bloomberg said. “They talk about 40 democrats. 21 of those were people they spent $100 million to help elect. All of the new Democrats that came in and put Pelosi in charge and gave the congress the ability to control this president, I bought–I got them.

The DailyKos reported it as follows.

Tonight, the Democratic Party is holding a debate in South Carolina. Tensions are high as the candidates get more desperate to stand out and get those votes needed to propel them toward Super Tuesday. Mike Bloomberg has been predictably hit for his history of bad work practices as well as his pariah standing as a billionaire in an era overrun by extraordinary income inequality. After Sen. Elizabeth Warren hit Bloomberg for his financial support of Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, Bloomberg decided to point out that he also spent lots of money on Democratic campaigns. His boast was a strong and importantly, a factual one. But he had a hard time sticking the landing, offering the kind of Freudian slip only a billionaire could make. 

Bloomberg’s Freudian slip occurred at just the right time. America needed to see that for many billionaires they buy people like they buy things.

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