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Good can come from Coronavirus if we allow it by fully engaging

Harris County, where Houston resides, was officially placed under coronavirus lockdown this week. I think given what was occurring throughout the country, this was expected. The truth is, this lockdown put my mind at ease knowing that our local leaders unlike our Republican President and Governor, were taking the pandemic as seriously as many of us thought they should.

First of all, it is important that we give condolences to the families of all of those throughout the world who lost their loved ones to the novel virus. We must not allow the passing of these good people to be in vain.

Make no mistake, coronavirus has changed America forever. The question of what kind of America comes out of this catastrophe. The phrase, make lemonade out of lemons is apropos.

A divided Congress came to three stimulus agreements in less than a month. These were mammoth amounts of money never expended before in bills like this.

Congress acted this fast because it was clear that America had no circuit breakers for all the chaos caused by that little virus. It had the capability to overrun our healthcare system, our economic system, our supply chain, and much more.

Trump saving corporations first from coronavirus

Congress developed the will to “invest” in corporations, small businesses, and to a very small extent in most individual Americans. Unfortunately, this investment is solely for temporary comfort, the maintenance of the status quo, the current modus operandi.

But good can come from the coronavirus catastrophe. We saw Congress develop the will to save sectors in 2008. Again, we see the same in 2020.

Activist understood for decades that despite the fiscal austerity preacher’s utterances, we could always create the resources to invest in every aspect of our economy without any penalty of inflation as long as there was not manufactured scarcity of resources and products. Progressive policies that many politicians claim are too expensive and cannot be paid for must be the good that we take from this pandemic.

When you take out a 250K loan for a home, the home itself is the instantiation of that paper. When we invest in Medicare for All, Child Care, Tuition-Free College, the more productive humans who evolve from having said policies invested in them, is the instantiation of that paper. We must think outside of the box and not allow an old manmade economic system to restrict the possibility of an economic system for our times.

Our economic system is in shambles. It is one that is unstable that takes out a lot of people with its constant crashes. The destructive nature of Coronavirus allows us to rebuild differently. To do this we must educate all of us. Politics Done Right intends to do its small part among others to humbly enlightening us all on the possibilities. We must no longer allow a select few to decide our futures. We can build the path to our own destiny. And that destiny when created by “we the people” can be anything we aspire for it to be.

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